Sunday 15 May 2016

Multiple Points of View Analysis (CONT'D)

The starting scene of the extract slightly gives the idea of whose point of view we a looking at, but it doesn’t confirm whether if it is from Jamal’s point of view or Latika’s. However, 8 seconds into the clip it clearly shows that we are looking from Jamal’s point of view; the way everything surrounding her is out of focus, everything around her is moving really fast expect his focus on her. 25 seconds into the clip, the point of view is changes when Latika focuses into Jamal; perhaps stating that he is her subject. 35 seconds into the clip the point of view is back to where it started, however, this time there are two points of view. One is from Jamal’s perspective and the other is of his brother and his gang. Nevertheless, by the end of this clip it clearly portrays that Latika has been the subject all this time, as both Jamal’s and his brother’s point of view haven’t changed. One’s trying to retrieve Latika from danger, and the other perspective is to try hunt her down and pull her back to danger.  

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